Saturday, January 31, 2009

Margaret Cho sucks

I'm a huge nerd for stand-up comedy. I follow it the way people follow indie-rock or underground hip hop.

So, as a comedy nerd, no, as a human being with a sense of humor and half an intellect, let me voice my opinion that Margaret Cho sucks. She's one of those comedians that has harnessed a dumb cross section of the population. She's the Larry the Cable Guy for liberals.

I'll admit she was funny in the early 90s. And now, she has become this:

She brings nothing original to the table. She is not funny. I hate it that someone who is so painfully average in their attempt at art is praised the way she is. Basically, she's the teacher in Art School Confidential who paints triangles over and over again, because that's what he's found his niche in. (Yes, Matt Jones, I copied this comparison from you. Whatchu gon' do bout it homie?) She's found her niche in humoring liberal idiots with gay stereotypes, fake ebonics, and anti-Bush shit talking. We've heard it before Margaret. We've heard it. Can you at least say it in a way that's new and perhaps funny?

So, let me put it in a way that Margaret Cho would be able to understand,

Girlfrenn, u ain't funnay. U needs a new job o some shyit.

By the way, this is funny stand-up

Yeah, a bit about gay marriage that is original and funny.

And here, my favorite female comedian, Maria Bramford on George W Bush, kind of:

1 comment:

  1. I agree whole heartedly. She used to be so great. Now she's a complete sell out who stars on faux-feminist shows like Sex And The City and hangs out with people like Anna Nicole Smith, who, I thought, encapsulated everything Cho had beef with in terms of what beauty really was (Cho was forced to eat less and act more "Oriental" when she had her show AMERICAN GIRL in the 90's). And her material is complete garbage. I mean, I'm all for hating on Bush and talking about human rights, but she doesn't tell jokes; she just says the shit we all already know but in a more offensive manner than what some of us (I imagine 7 year olds) are used to.
